Learning Conferences 2025

Kia ora e te Whānau

Learning Conferences 2025

We look forward to welcoming you to Learning Conferences 2025 and thank you for working together with us so that all Naenae College students experience success and build a meaningful pathway for their future.

We believe that these conferences will have a significant impact in helping sustain the positive partnership that exists between the students, their parents/caregivers and the school.

We will be holding our Learning Conferences for all students on Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 March. These conferences will be a 20 minute meeting with yourself, your young person, and their Learning Advisor Roopu (LAR) teacher.

The Learning Conferences will take place from 2.00pm until 5.00pm and from 5.30pm until 7.30pm, with the last appointment time being 7.10pm. Normal classes will conclude at 12.30pm on these days. Bell times will be adjusted to normal times on Wednesday.  We will have LAR and kai as normal at 12.15pm before we dismiss students at 12.30pm.

Bookings for Learning Conferences are now open on SchoolBridge and will close at 3.30pm on Monday 17 March. If you or your child have not downloaded SchoolBridge, I have included information on how to do this below. As this is going to be our main form of communication between home and school, it is really important that students and parents/caregivers have this.

Once you open SchoolBridge you will see the conferences button, from there you select LAR Teacher – Parent Meeting and follow the steps to book. Please see a screenshot below for your reference.

We look forward to seeing you and your young person at these important conferences.

Ngā mihi

Katherine Stokes
Deputy Principal

Translations of this letter are available in Tongan, Chinese, Hindi, Hindi (English alphabet) and Filipino.


Have you downloaded the School Bridge App?
Notify us of a student’s absence, receive newsletters, timetables and reports using the SchoolBridge App!
Caregiver – to login, use the same email address you gave us on enrolment.
Student – use your school email address to login.

2025 Start of Year Dates

Kia ora e te Whānau

This is a reminder of the upcoming events and important dates for Term 1.

Monday 27 January – Course confirmation meetings for all year 11-13 students. Students are to meet at their designated time in the library.

9am – Year 13
10am – Year 12 Surnames A-L
12pm – Year 12 Surnames M-Z
2pm – Year 11

Tuesday 28 January – 8.45am Year 9 Pōwhiri and first day for Year 9 students – Please assemble at the main gate. Senior mentor students and prefects are included in this day.

Wednesday 29 January – Whole school – Year 9 students all day.  Years 10-13 will be released at 12.20pm. Year 10-13 students are to go straight to the hall at 8.45am  and Year 9 students go to their LAR class.

Thursday 30 January – Normal timetable classes begin 8.45am

School lunches begin on Thursday 30 January so Year 9 students and any senior student mentors need to bring their lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday.

School starts at 8.45am every morning and finishes at 3.05pm. With the change in our timetable structure we no longer have a late start on a Thursday.

Thursday 6 February – Waitangi Day – School Closed
Tuesday 11 February – 6pm Whānau Welcome Evening – more details will follow shortly
Thursday 20 February – LAR class and new student ID photo day
Thursday 20 February – 6pm Afio Mai Evening for Pasifika whānau
Thursday 27 February – 6pm Māori Whānau Evening
Friday 14 March – Tabloid sports day
Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 March – Learning Conference Interviews – Early closure days
Friday 11 April – Last day of Term 1

Ngā mihi
Katherine Stokes
Deputy Principal

School Office Closed

The kura office is closed from Friday 13 December 2024, reopening Monday 13 January 2025.

Ngā mihi
Katherine Stokes
Deputy Principal

Junior Prize Giving photos

Here is the link to access the photos from Junior Prize Giving 2024.

Ngā mihi
Katherine Stokes
Deputy Principal

2024 event photos

Kia ora e te Whānau

Please find here the link to view the photos from Senior Graduation 2024, Senior Prize Giving 2024 and Sports Awards 2024.

Ngā mihi

Katherine Stokes
Deputy Principal

Senior Graduation Wednesday 27 November 2024

Kia ora e te Whānau

Wednesday 27 November is our annual Senior Graduation evening. This event celebrates any students who are leaving schooling with NCEA Level 1 or above. The event is held in the school hall and will start at 6.30pm, with doors opening at 6pm. Students can wear either uniform or smart casual attire. All whānau are invited to attend and celebrate with us.
We will have a professional photographer on site to capture the evening and these photos will be shared after the event.

We look forward to celebrating this important milestone in our young people’s lives with you.

Ngā mihi

Katherine Stokes
Deputy Principal