Upcoming dates and events for Year 9 and 10 students

Kia ora e te Whānau

Here are the upcoming events and important dates for our Year 9 and 10 students. Further information will be coming out very shortly around our EOTC programme.

Monday 9 December: EOTC trips – Kaitoke Camp and Tramping depart
Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 December: EOTC days for all Year 9 and 10 students
Thursday 12 December: Last day for students for 2024. This is our Junior Prize Giving day so we have an early closure of 1pm.

Junior Prize Giving is held in the school hall and starts at 6.30pm with doors opening at 6pm. Students who are prize winners will be notified on Friday 6 December.

Some important dates for 2025 start of year:
Monday 27 January – Course confirmation meetings for all Year 11-13 students
Tuesday 28 January – Year 9 Pōwhiri and first day for Year 9 students (this includes all senior mentor students and prefects)
Wednesday 29 January – Whole school.

Ngā mihi
Katherine Stokes
Deputy Principal

Senior Prize Giving photos

Here is the link to access the photos from Senior Prize Giving 2024.

Ngā mihi
Katherine Stokes
Deputy Principal

Senior Tutorial Timetable 2024

The time table shows the different tutorials being held to help prepare senior students for externals and to finish internals.


The teacher codes indicate who is running the tutorial.

Any questions, please email your subject teacher directly.

Ngā mihi
Katherine Stokes
Deputy Principal

Senior Prize Giving and Early Closure Wednesday 30 October

Hall doors open at 6pm for our 2024 Senior Prize Giving. Formalities will start promptly at 6:30pm.
Prize winners will be notified at Assembly tomorrow (Friday 25 October) and will need to be in the Hall by 6pm on Wednesday.
Please note, parking is restricted due to earthworks underway at the front of the kura. Access to the Hall is via the Hall foyer or through the door by the canteen.

Due to Prize Giving we have an early closure of 1pm on Wednesday 30 October. The early closure does not apply to SNU students.
Seniors will be released early, after Merit Assembly or Prize Giving practice (if they are a winner or performer).

Wednesday 30 October is the last day for our senior students, before they go on exam leave.

Ngā mihi
Katherine Stokes
Deputy Principal

Tū Toa Pasifika Wednesday 25 September

Naenae College warmly invites our Pasifika community to the Tū Toa Pasifika Success Evening, where we will celebrate the dedication, resilience, and achievements of our Pasifika students in both their academic and co-curricular pursuits.

“Tū Toa” in Cook Islands Māori means “stand strong”, a fitting theme for this evening as we honour the strength and perseverance of our students in their journey towards success.

Doors open at 5.30pm for a 6pm start

Early closures for Common Assessment Activities

Kia ora e te Whānau

We have three early closures coming up due to students sitting the Common Assessment Activities (CAA) for Literacy and Numeracy.

Monday 9, Tuesday 10, and Wednesday 11 September we will run a shortened timetable and classes will finish at 1pm so the exams can begin at 1:30pm. Students will still have their normal classes on these days, they will be 70 minutes instead of 90 minutes. Those students involved in CAA exams have been notified by their teachers.

The early closures do not include our Special Needs Unit students.

Ngā mihi
Jane Hambidge
Deputy Principal