Rostering home again this week

26 May 2024

Kia ora e te Whānau

Further to our communication last week, we continue to have high levels of sickness within our staff and are therefore forced to roster students home again this coming week.

This measure will ensure the safety and wellbeing of both our students and staff while maintaining the quality of education here at Naenae College. With rostering home, we can reduce the risk of exposure to illness, and we can ensure that our school community remains healthy and safe.

We acknowledge this is short notice. However, rostering home means we can ensure our students are able to complete the NCEA CAA literacy and numeracy exams. Rostering home does not include our SNU students.

We encourage our students to use this time at home wisely to catch up, or get ahead, on school work; often, this flexible learning environment allows students to focus on subjects and projects at their own pace, which is very beneficial.

Therefore, we are asking the following year groups to stay at home on the following days:

Monday, 27 May                 Year 13 work from home

Tuesday, 28 May                 Year 12 work from home

Thursday, 30 May               Year 11 work from home

Friday, 31 May                     Year 10 work from home

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we navigate this temporary adjustment. Together, we can turn this challenge into an opportunity for growth and learning. We look forward to welcoming our students back to school as soon as it is safe to do so.

Ngā mihi

Chris Taylor

CAA Exam Early Closures and Teacher Only Day

21 May 2024

Kia ora e te Whānau

A reminder that we have three early closures coming up next week with students sitting the CAA literacy and numeracy exams.

Monday 27, Tuesday 28, and Wednesday 29 May we will run a shortened timetable and classes will finish at 1pm so the exams can begin at 1.30pm. Students will still have their normal classes on these days, they will be 70 minutes instead of 90 minutes. Those students who are involved with CAA exams have already been notified about the exams by Mrs Hambidge.

The early closures do not include our Special Needs Unit students.

The school will also be closed for King’s Birthday on Monday 3 June, and Teacher Only Day on Tuesday 4 June.

Ngā mihi

Katherine Stokes
Deputy Principal

Rostering home this week

20 May 2024

Kia ora e te Whānau

I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing to inform you about an important update regarding our school schedule. As you may be aware, sickness within the community is an issue at this time of the year, and we are no different. Due to an unexpected increase in staff illness (as many as 12 staff have been out each day for the last week), we intend to roster students home temporarily, starting from Wednesday this week.

This measure will ensure the safety and wellbeing of both our students and staff while maintaining the quality of education here at Naenae College. With rostering home, we can reduce the risk of exposure to illness, and we can ensure that our school community remains healthy and safe. We hope that by being proactive at this time, we will be better able to maintain high-quality education for longer.

We encourage our students to use this time at home wisely to catch up, or get ahead, on school work; often, this flexible learning environment allows students to focus on subjects and projects at their own pace, which is very beneficial.

Therefore, we are asking the following year groups to stay at home on the following days:

Wednesday, 22 May            Year 13 work from home

Thursday, 23 May                Year 12 work from home

Friday, 24 May                      Year 9  work from home

If your Year 9 student is unable to stay at home unsupervised, supervision will be provided in the library. Please notify your LAR teacher if your student is intending to come in on Friday. We will make the assumption that no one is coming in unless we are notified.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we navigate this temporary adjustment. Together, we can turn this challenge into an opportunity for growth and learning. We look forward to welcoming our students back to school as soon as it is safe to do so.

Ngā mihi

Chris Taylor

Pink Shirt Day Friday 17 May

Kia ora e te Whānau

A reminder that we are participating in Pink Shirt Day 2024 this Friday, an annual bullying prevention campaign run by the Mental Health Foundation.
This will be a non uniform day with students encouraged to wear pink to show their support.

Students are asked to bring a gold coin donation to help with the fundraising effort.
There will be canteen voucher prizes for the best themed outfit in each year level.

Ngā mihi

Katherine Stokes
Deputy Principal

Term 2 Save the dates

Kia ora e te Whānau

We have a lot of things happening in Term 2 so there will be a lot of communication home about various activities and events (see link below).
More information about these events will come out as they come closer.

Please remember, when we have early closure days, we run a shortened timetable of 3 x 70 minute lessons instead of 3 x 90 minute lessons so students still have their three subjects that day as usual.

Ngā mihi

Katherine Stokes
Deputy Principal

240501 Term 2 Save The Dates

Paid Union Meeting Monday 13 May 2024

We have had notification by PPTA of a Paid Union Meeting (PUM) on Monday 13 May.

On that day school will close at 1:00pm and we will have a condensed timetable so students do not miss out on any classes. We will finish with LAR kai at 12:45pm.

The school will remain open and any student wishing to remain at school should report to the library at 1:30pm for supervised study.

Ngā mihi
Katherine Stokes
Deputy Principal