2023 Awards Evenings’ Photos

Thank you to all whānau and friends who have come to our recent Sports Awards, Senior Prizegiving, and Senior Graduation evenings. We loved seeing all the love, care and support as we celebrated the successes and achievements of our young people!

Below is a link to the official photos from these three evenings for you to be able to cherish for many years to come.


Ngā mihi
Katherine Stokes
Deputy Principal

Upcoming dates and events for Years 9 and 10

Kia ora e te Whānau

A reminder of upcoming events and important dates for our Year 9 and 10 students:

Monday 4 December – EOTC – Kaitoke Camp and fishing trip depart
Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 December – EOTC days for all Year 9 and 10 students
Thursday 7 December – Last day for students for 2023. This is our Junior Prize Giving day so we have an early closure of 1pm.

Junior Prize Giving is held in the school hall and starts at 6.30pm with doors opening at 6:00pm. Students who are prize winners will be notified on Thursday 30 November.

You will be getting detailed information coming very shortly, but some important dates for the start of 2024:

Monday 29 January – Course confirmation meetings for all year 11-13 students
Tuesday 30 January – Year 9 Pōwhiri and first day for Year 9 students (this includes all senior mentor students)
Wednesday 31 January – Whole school.

Ngā mihi
Katherine Stokes
Deputy Principal

Last day for Year 9 and 10 students, 7 December 2023

The last day for Year 9 and 10 students is Thursday 7 December 2023. Students will be released for the year at 1pm. Junior Prize Giving will take place in the evening, doors open 6pm for a 6:30pm start.

Exam/Tutorial/Workshop Timetable Week 7

Please see below or click here for the week six exam/tutorial/workshop timetable.

Junior EOTC Activities

Kia ora e te Whānau

On Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 December we will be holding our annual Junior EOTC activities.

Staff have designed a wide range of activities to cover all different kinds of interests and the activities are held both on school grounds and off site.

In LAR time today, Friday 17 November and on Monday 20 November, students will complete a google form to make their selections for their first and second choice of activity. This form will be emailed to students to complete via their school email.

Some activities have a maximum number of students that can be accommodated.

Some activities have a cost to them. Any off site activities will be followed up with letters to whānau about health and consent forms, gear lists, and general trip information.

The activities which have a cost next to them will need to be paid for by Friday 1 December so students are able to attend that activity. When students are confirmed in their activity, you will be notified about payment details.

I have included a list of the activities that are available for students to choose from.

Tramping (2 days and 1 night in the Orongorongo) – $30
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu – off site – No extra cost
Crafting and Special Effects Makeup – on site – No extra cost
Leisure / Hauora – sports and activities on site – No extra cost
Mountain Biking – off site at local mountain biking tracks – Possible bike rental fee (tbc)
Kdrama , KPop, K-language – No extra cost
Welly Walks – short walks and adventures around Wellington – No extra cost
Film Appreciation – on site – No extra cost
Pasifika Cultural Handicrafts – on site – No extra cost
Trading Card Game Learn-to-play – on site – $5
Fishing (leaving Monday so 2 nights away at Lake Ferry) – $70
Kaitoke Camp (leaving Monday so 2 nights away) – $30

On Tuesday next week 21 November students will know which activity they have been put in. More information will follow at this time.

If you have any questions please contact me via email at kss@naenae-college.school.nz

Ngā mihi
Katherine Stokes
Deputy Principal

Senior Graduation Wednesday 29 November

Kia ora e te Whānau

Wednesday 29 November is our annual Senior Graduation Evening. This event celebrates any students who are leaving schooling with NCEA Level 1 or above.

The event will start at 6.30pm and students can wear either uniform or smart casual attire. All whānau are invited to attend and celebrate with us. We will have photographers on site to capture the evening.

Students attending the graduation ceremony should have been working with their LAR teacher to complete their graduation profile. These are due Tuesday 21 November so we are able to make final arrangements for the evening. Can you please speak with your graduate and check in that this process has been completed.

Ngā mihi
Katherine Stokes
Deputy Principal