Early release of Senior Students Friday 3 November

On Friday 3 November Year 11-13 students will be released for the day at 1pm. This is to allow the set up and preparation of the class rooms for NCEA exams which begin on Monday 6 November. Students who are involved in performances for Senior Prize Giving will need to remain at school for their scheduled practices.

Orientation for 2024 Year 9 Students

Naenae College will be holding two Orientation mornings for students enrolled into Year 9 for 2024. Students are welcome to attend one or both of these mornings, Wednesday 18 October and Friday 20 October 2023 from 9:00am to 12 noon. Please contact the school office should you require further information.

Early Closure Tuesday 17 October 2023

Due to the unexpected tragic passing of one of our staff, Ross Sellwood, the school will close early on Tuesday 17 October at 1.00pm to allow staff and students to attend his funeral.

The school will operate a shortened timetable on Tuesday with three 70-minute periods. This enables us to maximise all available teaching hours at this important time of the year.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Sellwood Whānau.