Our School
Welcome to Naenae College. Your association with Naenae College must be challenging and rewarding. This College has the objective of providing young people with an education that recognises and values their individuality and wholeness. Their time at Naenae College must make sense in a way that includes scholastic involvement and success, but goes far beyond this.
We look to our students becoming
- people who can cope with change and the demands of living in a complex society
- people who are questioning in their approach to issues, flexible in outlook and with a concern and respect for truth
- people who have strong feelings of self esteem and integrity
- people who can set realistic goals, meet challenges head on and aspire to high standards of performance and behaviour
- people who are prepared to work together and support one another.
We expect and will insist on high standards of behaviour, endeavour and achievement.
Naenae College has been a neighbourhood school for 70 years. We are a large and complex community. Every day there are more than 1200 people working together at the College. Ours is a multicultural community with people representing countries from all over the Pacific Basin and the wider world as well as Māori and Pakeha.
There is a richness and strength in this diversity of people. Our College Marae, Te Whānau Tahi (The United Family) is a constant reminder and challenge to all of us in dealing with the issues of bi-culturalism, and equity that are a part of our College, community and nation.
From the Naenae College Charter our Mission is –
“that with the support of the community we will provide a balanced education which promotes intellectual development and growth in personal and social maturity for all students regardless of ability, race or gender.”